Statistics And Data Of All Countries In Asia

Surrounded by the Arctic Ocean from the north, by the Pacific Ocean from the east and by the Indian Ocean from the south, it is separated from Africa by Suez Canal. The Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea separate Asia from Europe, farther the overland border runs through the Caucasus Mountains, the Caspian Sea, the Ural River, and the Ural Mountains. This boundary crosses through the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey, so these states are in both continents. With a projected growth rate of just under 7%, the South Asian region has all it takes to be the next bright spot in the global economy. Sri Lanka had slow and steady growth in 2019 at approximately 3.7% in the first quarter, mostly due to a growth in services, agriculture, and construction. Mostly, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka intervened with policy reforms after a period of low growth to boost its private sector.

The language gained its’ official recognition in 1952, when people of Bangaldesh became active to achieve their rights to speak in their mother tongue, which led to the language movement. In tribute to the Language Movement and the ethno-linguistic rights of people around the world, 21st February was declared as International Mother Language Day in 1999. The total area of Asia, including Asian Russia but excluding the island of New Guinea, amounts to some 17,226,200 square miles , roughly one-third of the land surface of Earth. The islands—including Taiwan, those of Japan and Indonesia, Sakhalin and other islands of Asian Russia, Sri Lanka, Cyprus, and numerous smaller islands—together constitute 1,240,000 square miles , about 7 percent of the total. Everyone around the globe relies on natural resources to support their lives as well as their local and national economies. However, not all communities have access to the same kinds of resources in the same amounts.

List Of Asian Countries

The constitution recognizes 22 “scheduled languages”, which were given recognition, status and official encouragement. In addition, Tamil, Sanskrit, Telegu, Kannada, Malayalam and Oriya were awarded the distinction of classical mindfulmediapr language. Other major languages in India include Bengali, Marathi, Urdu, Gujarati, Punjabi and Assamese. Located in South Asia, Bangladesh is bordered by India to its west, north and east, Burma to its southeast and to its south, it faces the Bay of Bengal. Along with the neighboring Indian states of West Bengal and Tripura, it forms part of the ethno-linguistic region of Bengal.

They also reaffirmed the role of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in maintaining peace and security in the region. Russia acceded to the TAC on 29 November, thereby becoming the second nuclear weapon state and UN Security Council member to sign the TAC after China. On 22 July, the 10th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting (ASEAN+3) was held in Phuket, Thailand. The Foreign Ministers expressed concern over recent DPRK nuclear tests and missile launches and urged the DPRK to comply with obligations under UNSC resolutions. They also encouraged early resumption of the Six-Party Talks and the possible use of the ARF as a regional security forum including all participants to the Six-Party Talks. On 9 June, Malaysia, on behalf of ASEAN, delivered a statement at the second session of the Conference on Disarmament.

The order of the next three countries, Canada, the United States, and China, varies a bit depending upon two variables. First, whether the ranking counts land area or total area, which also includes certain bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. And second, whether China's area should include only the mainland or also its territory Taiwan and Special Administrative Regions Hong Kong and Macau, all three of which would likely be independent countries if not for China's influence at the United Nations. This guide features selected high-quality resources on the global, political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the continent of Asia and its countries. It is located in the Himalayas and bordered to the north by the People’s Republic of China, and to the south, east and the west by the Republic of India.

It assists its members and partners by providing loans, technical assistance, grants, and equity investments to promote social and economic development. Various countries, except Indonesia, carried out active exchanges with the People's Republic of China. For instance, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Burma took part in the first Asian table tennis championship meet held in Peking , and Thailand and Malaysia sent government leaders to China. With the popularity of the Internet and its increased usage around the world and within Southeast Asia, it has now become an important medium through which academic and popular knowledge on Southeast Asian societies has become available. The source of the knowledge could be located outside or within the region but are now much more accessible for commercial and noncommercial purposes. There are two diseases that have created serious health problems in Southeast Asia in recent years and threaten to reverse the general trend toward improved health in the region.

Many natural resources that are very common in one part of the world are almost nonexistent in others. For instance, while many countries have systems in place to treat and distribute clean drinking water, in many other countries around the globe, communities may only have access to untreated or contaminated water. Understanding the distribution of resources around the world helps us understand regional and global economies, and helps us think critically about how to make sure that all communities have the resources they need to thrive.

Sindhi and Balochi are prominent languages in Sindh and Balochistan accordingly. Similar to Afghanistan, Bhutan is also a landlocked country in South Asia, situated at the eastern end of the Himalayas. It is bordered to the north by China and to the south, east and west by India. The national language of Bhutan is Bhutanese , one of the 53 languages in the Tibetan language family.

Asias Role In The Four Industrial Revolutions

More than six languages are spoken in the country, where Urdu is considered as the lingua franca with the understandability by over 75% of the total population. English is the official language, which is primarily used in official business, government and legal contracts. The Punjabi language is mostly spoken in Punjab, Saraiki in South Punjab, and Pashto in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh and Balochistan.

Food Security In Asia And The Pacific

Dari is considered to be the prestige language and a lingua franca for inter-ethnic communication. Other native tongues of different minority groups include Uzbek, Arabic, Turkmen, Balochi, Pashayi, and Nuristani languages (Ashkunu, Kamkata-viri, Vasi-vari, Tregami, and Kalasha-ala). Below are links to South Asian countries profiled in theCIA World Fact Book, an online resource that provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. Updated entries within the Factbook are entered almost monthly, so information is very current.

In Mongolia, for example, 75 percent of agricultural land is allocated to the rearing of livestock, such as sheep, goats, and cattle. Participants issued the Hanoi Declaration in which States pledged to intensify their efforts to address arms smuggling, and to intensify consultations with NWS with a view to their accession to the Protocol to the SEANWFZ Treaty. The Hanoi Plan of Action, also adopted at the Summit, also called for the convening of the Commission for the SEANWFZ to oversee implementation and ensure compliance with the Treaty.

On 27 May, the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime, through the Working Group on Cybercrime, finalized a “roadmap” for ASEAN members to combat cybercrime through regional information sharing, capacity building, and enforcement regulation. This was followed by the 9th ASEAN-Japan Counter-Terrorism Dialogue on May in Singapore. The meeting covered counter-terrorism in a variety of fields, including CBRN explosives and cyber-terrorism.

One of the major government policies is therefore to encourage employment of nationals in the private sector. A related policy is to restrict the employment of expatriates in the public sector. A third policy is to curb the visa trading that encourages the import of workers. One analytical approach to this question is to measure the spatial pattern of fertility decline relative to the geographical location of family planning clinics and aspects of the program that may provide family planning information or contraceptives. The problem with this approach is that the location of family planning clinics may be endogenous, i.e., program resources such as clinics are directed to populations with very high fertility . Moreover, contraceptives are available from nongovernmental outlets such as private clinics and drugstores.


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